DP 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

While I'm Out - Building your CPE Front and Inside Cover

I am out with a bad back today. Be good to your substitute.


Here is what to do today:

The C.P.E. DVD must have a cover that you design in Photoshop CS3. Here are your instructions:
1. Go to "File", "New".
2. Creat a template that is 9.50" Wide x 4.75" Height with a resolution of 600. Use your 'Ruler Guide' to mark the center of your project. (If you choose your "Move" tool and click ON the Ruler that is on the left side of the template, holding your mouse click down, drag your cursor towards the center of the template. The light blue Ruler Guide should snap into place exactly in the center. REMEMBER: Click directly on the Ruler on the left hand side of the template. If you don't have a ruler go up to "View" then choose "Ruler". Rulers should then appear at the top and the left of your template.
3. This Ruler Guide will separate your Front and Inside Cover. This is where you will fold your project to make the Front Cover and the Inside Cover. Both should have a cohesive look to them that will add to the overall look of the C.P.E. (This means that you will need to choose images that have something in common, such as color, , objects, or imagery.) There is an example up on my White Board on the far right. It's an older C.P.E. project. Pavement is the commonality the Front and Inside Cover share.
4. Drag any photos that you wish to use for your Front and Inside Cover into Photoshop and drag them over the template using your "Move" tool. You will need to "Free Transform" (Command, T) to change the size or shape of your photos to fit inside the template.
5. Use the "Text" tool to type the name of the project (of your choosing, as long as it's appropriate) and your name on the Front Cover.
6. The Inside Cover must include a text element as well. This means that you could put in a famous quote or poem, maybe song lyrics, maybe a dedication? It's up to you. Anything you want, just as long as there is text that appears somewhere on the inside cover.

Keep this template saved as a .psd file so that I can help you make any possible changes when I return on Friday.
Good Luck!

Monday, May 16, 2011



Guggenheim Museum Frank Loyd Wright was a master of line and pattern in the buildings he designed. One of the most famous is the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York City.

Take a virtual view of the museum and compose your own photograph using the lines and patterns he drew into this building.

For this assignment, you will capture 25 images that explore line, texture, and pattern in the world around you.


In this photograph the window frame literally frames the image of the patterns on the roof. Using one object to frame another is a great way to add depth to your photos. Experiment with a frame that adds contrast in terms of light or texture when compared with your subject.

This photograph used the macro function of the camera to capture the texture of an everyday object, tire tread. The image was enhanced with more contrast and the sharpen filter. You'll find lots of examples of lines, patterns and texture on cars. The macro setting on your camera will let you focus on objects only inches away.


In these images from Mark Moody's website, we see the macro used on the crab's eyes. There is contrast in color as well. Notice how the angle of the shot creates an impression of size. This photo would not have the same impact if it didn't use hard lighting.


Implied Lines

This photograph uses objects in a line. You'll have to scout around for these images but keep your photographic mind's eye open and you'll find them!


A Pattern is a repeated decorative design or a sequence of images or shapes regularly found in objects or on surfaces.


You will photograph the following:

*5 examples of Line
*5 examples of Texture
*5 examples Pattern

*5 photos must use Line, Texture, AND Pattern, all in one.
*5 photos must use extreme 'hard lighting' using a single light source to accentuate the detail in the texture.

That is a total of 25 photos.

This assignment will be due by the end of class on Wednesday, May 25th.
You will make 1 Contact Sheet that will include ALL 25 photos from the assignment.

Criteria for Success: Your work should show experimentation with composition, macro camera settings, using hard lighting to accentuate texture and pattern, using of depth of field to limit and expand focus.

Eye Candy! - You're looking for images that will catch your eye. You'll find examples of lines, patterns and texture in everyday places. Use them to create strong images with a lot of contrast.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Still Life

Still life photography is the depiction of inanimate subject matter, most typically a small grouping of objects that are either human-made or "natural." Still life photography, more so than other types of photography, such as landscape or portraiture, gives the photographer more leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition.

Still life photography is a demanding art, one in which the photographers are expected to be able to form their work with a refined sense of lighting, coupled with compositional skills. The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. Knowing where to look for propping and surfaces also is a required skill.

You will go out and take 10 still life photographs. Use the links below to give you some ideas for composing your still life photos. You can think small or big. Compose your objects and shoot from different angles and with different light.

Links to examples of Still Life Photography:

Google Images

Criteria for Success: These photographs should take full advantage of lighting and composition. Experiment with using light to create a mood in your composition. You should also experiment with texture and line. Use a tripod to eliminate any camera shake and to ensure sharp images.

When you've completed taking these Still Life photos, you'll make a contact sheet that is 11"- Width and 8"- Height.
Columns = 2
Rows = 5

The naming convention for this assignment is _still
This assignment is due on Monday, May 16th.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Life As You Know It

What do you want to remember about this time in your life when you're old and gray? Which people?  What things?  What feelings?  You will be surprised by what you forget about this time in your life when you become older.  Sometimes it's just the little things.

Example:  I found a photo of me and my girlfriend standing in front of a gas station in 1994.  What was surprising about this?  The sign in the back that read Gas .97 cents a gallon.  "Wow!"  That was some cheap gas back then!  I didn't remember until I saw the photo.  

What people, places, or things represent how life is for you at this moment in time?  What's society like in general?  What about Shoreline?   Your home?  Your fashion?  Your friends?  Take a photo of these iconic objects or people in your life. 

Utilize at least one rule of composition in each of these photos. 

This assignment is not due until the end of the semester when you begin your final project, but now is a good time to start capturing "Life As You Know It".

You will eventually be turning in 60 photos that you will hopefully want to include in your final project.

Be back no later than 20 minutes before the end of class!!!  Your substitute will be taking attendance then.

You will also need to sign out on the paper with the corresponding # on the camera, in my office.  Your substitute will be handing out the cameras to you there.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Action Photomerge

Now that you've completed the 1st Photomerge assignment, you will be tasked with going out and taking the same assignment, but this time with an action in the center of each of the photos.
You will take 3 Action Photomerge panoramics.
This assignment is due by the end of class on Wednesday.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Photomerge Assignment

Take FIVE 360 degree Photomerge photos, meld them successfully, without any shadowy lines. Make sure to set the proper exposure Manually for each series of Photomerge photos.
This assignment is due by the beginning of class next Monday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Using ISO (ASA) in Digital Photography

Click on the following link to read a brief article about how ISO (ASA) effects your photographs.
Click HERE.